Belfast Chinese Christian Church
English Congregation Announcements
2nd Mar 2025
- A warm welcome to everyone attending our Sunday Service today.
The Church Prayer Meeting is held every Tuesday evening from 9.30pm to 10.15pm. This week prayer theme is “Obedience Shows Faith”. Everyone is very welcome to attend.
Brother Chan Pat passed away on 27th February, 2025. The funeral service will be held at the church at 11.00am on Monday, 10th March. Brothers and sisters, please pray for his family members and may the Lord comfort his family.
Mr. Tony Leung is critically ill, now staying at Bangor Nursing Home. Sister Tracy from Gospel Care Team has been visiting Tony. Give thank to God that Pastor Edward Wei and Esther baptized Tony via video call on 26th February.
Registration for the Easter Retreat (13 to 15 April) is now open and closing date is on 16th March.
The church will hold an Evangelistic Meeting from 6pm to 9pm on April 8th (Tuesday), speaker is Pastor Vincent Choo. We hope to have 70 brothers and sisters (two in each group) to participate in the visitation event and distributing leaflet to invite friends to attend the Evangelistic Meeting. Brothers and sisters who are interested in participating in the visit, please register with Sister Esther. If you have someone you want to visit, please inform Sister Esther so that we can prepare a gift and assign the visiting area.
The church will hold the following conferences during the Passion and Easter periods:
April 8 morning: Bible Conference (Mandarin/Cantonese);
April 8 evening: Gospel Rally (Mandarin/Cantonese);
April 11 evening: Young Adults and Youth Conference (Eng) Session 1;
April 12 afternoon: Young Adults and Youth Conference (Eng) Session 2;
April 13-15: All-church Easter Retreat (Chinese/English);
April 18 evening: Good Friday Service (Chinese/English).
Church Bible Reading Plan for this week: March 1st to March 8th
Joshua 5 to Judges
We would like to invite those who would like to serve in the worship, ushering, and Easislides to have a chat with the English Congregation leaders.
- The church online offering details are as below:
- Name of Bank: Danske Bank Account
- Name: Belfast Chinese Christian Church
- Sort Code: 95-01-49
- Account Number: 01166360
- Last week offering:
- General: £1815
- Mission: £21